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Dirigido a los alumnos de inglés del IES Jorge Guillén de Torrox IF YOU DON’T KNOW, ASK; IF YOU KNOW, SHARE
jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012
Aquí teneis unos ejercicios, mañana los corregimos en clase y colgaré las respuestas.
Aquí teneis unos ejercicios, mañana los corregimos en clase y colgaré las respuestas.
The Weekend Vortex
Season 5, Ep. 19
Sheldon opts to spend a weekend playing video games with the guys instead of attending a birthday party for Amy's aunt.CLICK ON THIS LINK TBBT5x19TheWeekendVortexd.avi TO WATCH A NEW EPISODE
martes, 20 de marzo de 2012
lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012
nice / kind / good / stupid / silly / intelligent / clever / sensible / (im)polite / rude / unreasonable OF someone (to do something):
Thank you it was very nice / kind of you to visit us.
nice / kind / good / (im)polite / rude / (un)pleasant / (un)friendly / cruel TO someone:
Our teachers have always been very nice / kind to us.
angry / furious/ ABOUT something // WITH someone FOR something:
Why are you so angry about it?
They were furious with me for not inviting them to my party.
pleased / disappointed / satisfied WITH something:
I was pleased with the present you gave me.
bored / fed up WITH something:
You get bored / fed up with doing the same thing every day.
Grateful TO somebody
Grateful FOR something
surprised / shocked / amazed / astonished AT / BY something:
Everyone was surprised by /at the news.
excited / worried / upset ABOUT something:
Are you excited about going on holiday next week?
afraid / scared / frightened / terrified OF someone / something
Are you afraid of dogs?
proud / ashamed OF someone / something:
I'm not ashamed of what I did.
good / bad / excellent / brilliant / hopeless AT (doing) something:
I'm not very good at repairing things.
married TO someone
Linda is married to an American.
sorry ABOUT something:
I'm sorry about the noise last night
sorry FOR doing something
I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday.
ABOUT suggest concerning, regret or disappointment. I am sorry about giving you bad news.
be / feel sorry FOR someone
I feel sorry for George.
famous FOR something:
Florence is famous for its art treasures.
responsible FOR something:
Who was responsible for this noise last night?
interested IN something:
Are you interested in art?
fond OF something / someone:
Mary is fond of animals.
full OF something:
The letter was full of mistakes.
keen ON something:
We stayed at home because Mary wasn't very keen on going out in the rain.
similar TO something:
Your writing is similar to mine.
crowded WITH (people,...)
The city was crowded with tourists.
Annoyed AT + ing
They were annoyed at having to wait
Annoyed ABOUT something
My sister is annoyed about the situation
Annoyed WITH someone
I am annoyed with everyone around me
Confused by / about something
viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012
TIME CLAUSES act as adverbs and tell us when something happens.
They usually begin with words like
Existen 3 tipos de "Time Clauses". Los dos primeros no suelen plantearnos dificultades.
TIME CLAUSES act as adverbs and tell us when something happens.
They usually begin with words like
Existen 3 tipos de "Time Clauses". Los dos primeros no suelen plantearnos dificultades.
a) Past Time Clauses: en las que tanto la oración subordinada como la principal de la que aquélla forma parte se refieren al pasado: When I got home, I phoned the shop (Cuando llegué a casa, llamé a la tienda).
b) Present Time Clauses: en las que ambas oraciones hacen referencia al presente.
c) Future Time Clauses: en las que, a pesar de que el verbo de la "time clause" hace referencia al futuro, no irá en ningún caso conjugado en futuro simple (will + infinitivo) sino en presente simple (con algunas excepciones en las que puede aparecer en "present perfect", y de las que nos ocuparemos en otra ocasión)
Vamos a ver algunos ejemplos de este último tipo:
- When (cuando): Pay no attention to him when you get home.
- Before (antes de): Should I tell her before she leaves?
- After (después de): After you get to work, drink a glass of water
- Until / Till (hasta): I won't leave until you tell me.
- As soon as (tan pronto como / en cuanto): As soon as I hear from her, I' ll give you a telephone call.

First Conditional: real possibility
First Conditional (Tipo 1)
Esto tipo del condicional se utiliza para el futuro y en los casos cuando es muy probable que la condición pasará.
IF | Condition | Result |
If | Present simple | Future simple ("will") |
- If Bill studies, he will pass the exam. / Bill will pass the exam if he studies. (Si Bill estudia, aprobará el examen.)
- If it doesn't rain, we will go to the beach./ We will go to the beach if it doesn't rain. (Si no llueve, iremos a la playa.)
- Will you take the train if you miss the bus?/ If you miss the bus, will you take the train? (¿Cogerás el tren si pierdes el bus?)
Nota: Se pueden usar algunos verbos modales en vez de "will" para cambiar la probabilidad o expresar una opinión.
- If it doesn't rain, we may go to the beach. (Si no llueve, puede que vayamos a la play)(*Con el uso de "may", el significado de esta frase cambia. Ahora, el hablante reconoce que puede ir a la playa pero no esta tan seguro de si irá.)
- If it doesn't rain we should go to the beach. (Si no llueve, deberíamos ir a la playa) (*En este caso, el uso de "should" expresa la opinión del hablante.)
- If it doesn't rain we can go to the beach. (Si no llueve, podemos ir a la playa)("Can" significa que es posible ir a la playa, pero no indica la probabilidad.)

If + Past Simple | Conditional (would) | If you travelled, you would meet people. |
Su estructura es If + pasado + condicional y se usa para indicar condiciones hipotéticas referidas al presente, es decir que podrían tener lugar pero es poco probable que lleguen a término.
If I had more time, I would study German.
En español se usa el pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo en lugar del pasado.
Si el verbo de la oración subordinada es to be se puede utilizar were con todas las personas.
If she were older, she would get the job.
Siempre se usa were con el pronombre I cuando damos un consejo.
If I were you, I would talk to him about this problem.
Variaciones del Segundo Condicional.
Las variaciones más frecuentes de la estructura básica del segundo condicional son los verbos modales could y might, pero estos denotan que la probabilidad de que la hipótesis se cumpla es todavía menor que si se usa would. ENn español equivalen a las expresiones “tal vez” , “quizás”.
If you studied, you could/might get good results.
There are some special conditional forms for modal verbs in English:
The words "can," "shall" and "may" cannot be used with "would." Instead, they must be used in these special forms.
· If I went to Egypt next year, I would can learn Arabic. Unfortunately, that's not possible. Not Correct
· If I went to Egypt next year, I could learn Arabic. Unfortunately, that's not possible. Correct
The words "could," should," "might" include conditional, so you cannot combine them with "would."
· If I didn't have to work tonight, I would could go to the fitness center. Not Correct
· If I didn't have to work tonight, I could go to the fitness center. Correct
jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012
While it is accepted around the world that the first word that a child utters is 'mother', it is also a universal fact that it is the father towards whom almost every child looks, as his/her hero. He is the person who asks you to smile when you fall down from the bicycle the first time
Father's Day is the day to make your daddy, and all the other men who have played the father figure in your life - say grandpa, stepfather and even elder brother, feel really special. It is the time to let them know how much you love them and care for them.
Muchos adverbios se forman añadiendo la terminación ly a los adjetivos, por ejemplo: bad -> badly, nice ->nicely, loud -> loudly.
He walked sadly away from the grave
- Si el adjetivvo acaba en y, cambiamos esta letra por una i antes de añadirle ly
lazyy | lazily |
- Cuando acaba en ble, cambiamos la e por una y.
horrible | horribly |
- A los adjetivos acabados en ic solemos añadirles la terminación ally.
tragic | tragically |
- A los terminados en ll solamente les añadimos y.
full | fully |
Nota: Algunos adverbios acabados en ly tienen un sentido diferente del adjetivo.
bare (desnudo) short (corto) | barely (apenas) shortly (en breve) |
Algunos adverbios del inglés son iguales a los adjetivos:
Adjetivos | Adverbios | Adjetivos | Adverbios |
early fast hard | early fast hard | late straight | late straight |
Después de un verbo copulativo (liking verb: appear, seem, taste…) normalmente usamos un adjetivo. Si usamos un adverbio, el sentido del verbo cambia.
He looked angry (angry es un adjetivo y describe el sujeto: El parecía enfadado)He looked angrily at the broken window (angrily es un adverbio y describe la acción del verbo: El miró con enfado hacia la ventana rota)
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